H@lf D0n3 W01rd
it's still half done... in a way... well... you do get the meaning... don't you...

It's being a long time......2

By Calvin
It has really been a while... OH, alright, It's being months since i wrote an entry. So, i writing one now to keep people (or someone) happy.

It's being two and half weeks since my return and i must admit i do not like the weather here. Whatmore, I have done nothing constructive than shopping. Though, I was delighted when my friend told me there was going be a gathering of old school gang at Taman OUG...

Come to think of it, I don't really haave any idea why and i typing this...

(a silent wind blows by and a shrub rolls by)


Right! Lets get back to the main subject...

beside getting stuck (?) in Kuala Lumpur. I was told that we would be returning to our hometown in Penang. (another silent wind blows by) (T_T)... going back to hometown is the last thing i wanna do..... I'm hitting dead ends as the prospect of going north is swirls in my head... til then au revoir...

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