By Calvin
As the title of the post suggests it, I am moving my blog to a new address...but not a new publisher.....
I will let you know when things are finally done....
If you are smart enough, you will know where to go/find it....
till then,
au revoir
By Calvin
A friend of mine pass on this link to me have some fun....
What fun?
Why making your own web 2.0 logo of course....
here is the linkdon't mind the alignment....will clean up again
till then...
au revoir....
By Calvin
I thought i might share this with everyone....chances are either you love or hate the song evenmore...just watch and you'll understand
oh yeah, i have not go AWOL or MIA....just BEAR with me....
till then
au revoir
By Calvin
Holiday.....How can one describe it at all.... Honestly, there is no way to describe it (for me). However, there is one thing I am certain off: I had a good time. Why the weird face, if sometimes things are indescribable, that does not mean that you cannot tell how you fell. Confused? So am I......
Enough with confusion though, holiday has offically ended for me. Now, its back to slaving (too strong? you don't what you are talking about) on countless books, publications, and journals to get thru the entire semester. you know what? I have no idea what am I on about. So, lets make this short
- holiday has ended
- semester starts as of today
- plenty of red tapes to deal with
- plenty of assignment to come
- plenty of preparation needed for the exams
- rush to get a number of desired items (dont think differently now!)
- and last but not the least continue to post here...........
If you are wondering about my next and (maybe) last post of the a change of (desktop) view series. Do not worry, it will show up ..... eventually. I just need some time to get it right...
til then, au revoir........
By Calvin
Ah, I am almost at the end of the road for this series of post. Why?
Well, for a good reason, I have ALMOST cover everything that I personally use for this series (what series?)
The few last bits are coming soon...I think. Here is one of the last bits
Don' worry now, if you think this is going to be a long post. My answer is no. Why? (again with the why...) Because someone else has already explain it better than i can. Besides, if I was to explain to you, it would meant stealing their stuff, since I learned from them
Oh, I forgot to mention that this is another of those third-party software..and a good one'll see. The name of the software is called Windowblinds, created by Stardock INC.
Here is the explainationThe words does not realy tells you much...but the screenshots are insanely (my opinion!) to behold at.
If you wondering if you have to pay to use it, the answer is no. Even though there is a price tag on it, you can still continue to use it indefinitely.
Just to give you an idea of how would it look, when i decide to use the windows vista style.
I opts for a dark theme with a touch of sci-fi.I even change the color of the winamp to match everything...
Well, I think I manage to keep this post short enough. Wait for the last one...(Still thinking about it)
till then, au revoir